Sunday, September 19, 2010

9/16/10 Reflection on Second Class

This week's class I felt was more focused on the work aspect of putting together successful TR activities.  There's a lot that goes into the process of making sure that each activity is effective and works for the particualr patient or population you are working with.  When we talked about the different ways of  discussing the activity with the participants I particualry liked the debriefing method.  By talking to participants about what they liked and disliked about the activity the leader can get a better idea of how to improve the activity in the future and also what aspects worked out well. Without getting feedback from clients or participants you wont know for sure if the point of the activity came across or whether or not they got anything out of it.  Like Professor Lewis said with TR activities there is always a purpose, thats what makes it Therapeutic Recreation.  I also found the funneling techinque very helpful because I often find it hard to come up with open ended questions that really facilliate a provoking and interesting discussion. Therefore starting with broad open ended questions and then going into a more specific approach seems like it would be very effective. In the example that Professor Lewis gave us I thought it was very smart how he fed off our answers to come up with the next question.

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