Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Reflection on Packaging Tape Sculptures 9/30/10

First of all I was shocked that the artist featured in the video was able to cover his head in packaging tape and cut the tape off without hurting himself!  I wonder what gave him the idea to do this type of art in the first place.  With that being said I thought all of his pieces were amazing.  They looked so close to the original object.  Using this activity in terms of potential populations in TR I believe would be a bit of a challenge though.  I think that for some populations such as teens and young adults it would be excellent because it allows for creativity and self expression.  However with an older population such as middle aged or the elderly this activity may cause too many health problems.  Older adults may not be able to hold positions for long periods of time and the tight wrapping of the tape on an elderly person's skin would decrease circulation and probably result in skin tares.  I also enjoyed each groups adaptation of how they would gear their sculptures towards their population. They were all extremely creative.

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