Thursday, December 16, 2010

10. Wheelchair Tennis

I was searching for an adaptive sport since I couldn't think of any other interesting craft ideas so while I was searching I wanted to come up with something that looked like it could be quite challenging.  And then I found wheelchair tennis. WOW the athleticism that is required for this sport is truly amazing.  Not only do you have to constantly be moving the wheels but then also get there to hit the ball.  I think the people that play this sport are extremely talented.

Considerations and Facilitation:
The way I would facilitate this activity would be to find a person who already knows quite a bit about the type of specific wheelchair used in this sport and see if they knew how to loan or rent one to my client.  I would also make sure that the facility I work for would be able to pay for the wheelchair or that the individual would be able to pay or rent one of these wheelchairs.  Then I would research a tennis facility that either provided these chairs and could be accessible for wheelchairs.  Connecting the person with the disability to a person who already is an active participator in wheelchair tennis would be a major thing because it would allow the person to have a great lesson on how to play the game, and they would also be able to have more in common with this instructor verses an instructor that teaches regular tennis.  I would also take into consideration if the family of the individual or the individual themselves have transportation and make sure that they are ready for the challenges that this sport is going to present.  If I were working with someone who just recently was injured and has to use a wheelchair I don't think they would be ready for the challenges and frustration they may experience while playing this game, but maybe after they have accepted their disability. This sport would be great for people who were once very athletic and enjoyed sports before a spinal cord injury or disease they may have left them paralyzed. People who have paraplegia would be better candidates for this sport since you have to use your arms.

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