Saturday, December 4, 2010

Refelction on Internet Presentation and Reconstruction of Class 12/2/10

I thought that the presentation on the Internet was very interesting.  It is true that there are several benefits to the World Wide Web and now that it is getting to more people than ever, the stigmas about disabilities and new ways for helping people with disabilities are reaching people they never would have before.  The greatest thing about the Internet pertaining to disabilities is that people with them and their families can access resources cheaply and efficiently.  Not to mention that there is just a greater amount of information about inclusion, adaptive activities, and support groups for those who have disabilities and their family members.  Without being able to confide in others and share your fears and worries about your own or a loved one's disability then all of that emotion will create great turmoil inside causing more problems.  It is also important to share success as well to feel a sense a accomplishment and to give others hope. 

The next group activity that we did where we tried to come up with a new innovative way to use the Internet was more challenging than I thought.  I think trying to come up with something that has never been done with the Internet before seems almost impossible since there is so much technology these days.  Maybe a better challenge would have been how to use any form of technology for TR purposes.   I feel like you could do a lot with videos and the various apps from Apple. 

I thought the opportunity for reconstructing the class and having us share our likes and dislikes about the class this semester was very beneficial.  It is important for the professor to know what worked and didn't work so as to improve the learning experience for future students.  One thing that our group didn't get to elaborate much on was the reconstructing part of the activity.  For this I would have liked to have added how the debriefing part of the activities we did were just us coming up with our own ideas of how that particular project could be beneficial to a certain population.  But what what I would have liked to see are some facts from professionals that confirm that these projects actually do provide benefits.  I also think that having feedback on our group projects was much needed.  Not only so you knew how you were doing in the class but also so that you knew your hard work was appreciated.

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