Friday, November 19, 2010

3. Extreme Wheelchair Sports

This is seriously amazing!!! I would recommend watching the entire video but you wont believe what happens around 2:30 in the video.

As far as facilitating this activity I would talk to people that are already very knowledgeable about the sport and have a good idea of to teach others the basics of doing tricks with their wheelchair. I would try to set up a meeting with an expert extreme wheelchair sport athlete and discuss if they would be interested in teaching individuals who would love to learn some of the tricks that they are able to do.  If one of these athletes would be willing to give a few lessons or even just put on a demonstration to show some interested people I would get the word out to those highly athletic individuals that use wheelchairs.  Since this could prove to be a very dangerous activity I would make sure that the participants have helmets, protective padding, they have to get permission from their parents if they are under 18 and also sign a release form saying they won't sue me if there are any injuries, and that they have the proper wheelchair that is able to withstand the tricks. 

Some of the drawbacks to this activity is that it is only accessible to those who have lower paralysis and are cognitively very aware and high functioning and obviously it is very dangerous. However I think that  for someone who loves extreme sports or was once very athletic and had an accident and can no longer walk this activity would provide them a great deal of freedom and excitement.

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