Monday, November 29, 2010

7. Homemade Instruments

Although this idea is simple it can be used with a variety of supplies and can be very easy to create your own personal instrument.  I think that this activity should mainly be used in therapeutic recreation with kids.  Not only will it allow kids to expand their creativity in figuring out which supplies to use but also allow them to create their own unique music.  Music and therapeutic recreation go hand in hand.  It allows a person to relax, remain calm, or teach them how to express an emotion. This activity can be a social opportunity in which you can teach kids how to socialize with other kids and what appropriate behaviors are.  Here is the link I found that give some suggestions in making your own instruments.

To facilitate this project I would first talk about how there are several different types of instruments and how they are really made.  Then I would encourage the participants to share share some of their favorite music and if they have any instruments that they like to play. After having this discussion I would show them some examples of homemade instruments and have them decide which instruments they would like to make and I would gather the materials needed such as Kleenex boxes, paper towel rolls, rubber bands, cans, beans, etc.  On the day of the activity I would have them split up into groups to form their own musical group and create all types of different instruments. They can create instruments that already exist or make up their own unique designs.  Once everyone has completed their instruments which I would give them a 50 minutes to do I would have each band come up and play their own instruments.

This activity as I mentioned earlier would mostly be appropriate for younger children. I would say  first through fourth grade. It could be used with children who have autism, cognitive, and learning disabilities because it could help them learn to socialize and work with other children. It was also make other children more comfortable around kids that have different disabilities.  The facilitator would have to make sure that kids who get along and work well together are placed with each other so that the goal of the project is completed.  As far as the behaviors or special needs of the kids with disabilities it is important to know how to calm them down when they become distressed which can be the case of some children with autism.  It may also be helpful to have volunteers or helpers for the children who have disabilities so that they can have the specialized attention they need.

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