Monday, November 29, 2010

6. Shaving Cream Art Project

This is an example of an art activity that my roommate actually did. What you do is take an aluminum pie pan place a piece of card stock in the pan and then fill it with shaving cream.  Then you put water color paint on top of the shaving cream in any pattern you want.  Once you mix the shaving cream and water color paint , or food coloring, the mixture begins to dry and creates a marble effect.  Finally you just scrape off the extra shaving cream and end up with these really neat designs

To facilitate this activity I would make sure that I have all of the materials before the day of the project. But first I would have a sign up for the activity so I know how much of everything I need to get.  The materials are mentioned above so I would buy for the amount of people signed up with a few extra just in case. I would make a few examples prior to give the participants an idea of what the finished product will look like. On the day of the activity I would do a demonstration so they know they steps to take and know the correct order to do them in. Just as with the straw blowing activity I would put down plenty of paper towel if I were working with kids and get clothing protectors if I was doing this with the geriatrics population.   Depending on the population that I would be working with I would make sure that volunteers or other staff were there to help out with the various steps of the activity. If this were a group of emotionally distressed individuals I would debrief after they have created their designs and talk about how their designs represents their feelings and emotions. 

Some things to consider would be the population that you are working with.  As mentioned this could be used to discuss emotions and inner turmoil, for kids in the hospital this could be a fun past time and give them something to take their minds off of their illness or surgery, or the elderly this could be a great socializing opportunity to meet other people and express their artistic side.  Even if someone has a lot mobility issues such as quadriplegia a volunteer could still assist them in making their design.  I think this also could be used for people with mental illness in which case it is a relaxing art project that is something different than just painting with paint and a paint brush.

I also found this website explaining it as well

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