Thursday, November 4, 2010

Goal Ball 11/4/10

Today's activity was rather interesting.  I can't imagine actually playing against people who are skilled at the game.  Just trying to figure out where you are supposed to stand while being blind folded was a challenge for me.  Before today I had never heard of Goal Ball and the fact that it is so internationally well known.  I was also surprised how athletic one has to be in order to play effectively.  You also have to have a very keen sense of hearing in order to follow the ball.  And the fact that you have to have the perfect timing to block the ball takes a great deal of coordination and excellent reflexes.  It truly shows that people who play this sport are true athletes.  I felt that the group's presentation was over all good.  It was nice how they had the video to see first hand how the game is actually played.  The diagram of the court, the directions of how the game is played, along with the rules was helpful when we were in the multi purpose room so that in case we forgot anything it was right up on the wall.  I also thought it was neat how they gave suggestions to improve the game if we ever wanted to try it on our own. For example the tip about using string instead of the yarn since it works better.  Overall the presentation really taught me what a great recreational sport this is for people who have lost their eye sight and those who are also seeking a new and challenging sport to try.  It provides  great physical exercise, a place for people to grow in character, and a chance to meet others.

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