Sunday, November 14, 2010

2. Straw Blowing Art

I recently did this activity with residents at the nursing home I volunteer at.  This is a great activity because it can be done by all ages, most cognitive levels, and it doesn't require a great amount of physical activity.  The residents who participated in this activity were so proud of their unique designs and it was something they had never done before. This opened up a lot of discussion among the residents who don't usuall talk with each other so not only was this activity a creative outlet but a social one as well. I dont have the actual pictures from the place I volunteer at but here are some examples of what the final outcomes look like.

To facilitate this activity I would first make sure that I have the supplies that I needed before I would begin the activity.  The supplies I would need would be card stock and regular acrylic paint which can be watered down later, a variety of sized straws, and numerous paint brushes to drop the paint on to the card stock.  I would make various examples to show the participants prior to them doing the actual activity so they have an idea of how their designs will turn out.  Once I have the group I am working with situated I would show them the examples and explain what to do.  I would also give each individual a paper plate and allow them to choose which colors they would like and then add a few drops of water to it. This part could also be done by volunteers or other employees.  Also before my participants arrived I would put out all of the materials and place a drop cloth or newspaper over the table we would be working at.  Finally I would let them create their works of art. 

Some of the things that I would have to consider would be the population I am working with.  For instance if it was with the elderly maybe I would have to use larger straws or no straws at all since they have a lower lung capacity and also make sure they have something protecting their clothing if they use a wheel chair. If I was working with kids I would make sure we have plenty of paper towel and news paper covering the area we are working at since kids can be messy. This activity really is appropriate for any population since it is so simple and creative. It also is great for those with limited use of their upper extremities because all they have to use is their mouth.  All they would need is someone to perhaps hold the card stock for them.

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